Author: Mr. Chilasack SOUVANNASANE

Advisor: Ms. Khonesavanh VONGVANNAXAY

Academic Year: 2019 – 2020

Publisher: Lao-Top College


This thesis is part of the higher diploma degree in Lao-Top College with the topic: “Evaluation Oral English Performance in the Classroom: A case study at Faculty of Engineering, Department of Logistics” as we know well English is used as an international language in many countries worldwide is a very important part of the English language. So, I want to know the students’ knowledge of using English.

The objectives of this research are:

  1. To revise learning courses for the better.
  2. To find importance and improve English.

The questionnaire is the primary tool for editing data and the questionnaire contains 5 parts. The first is the personal information consisting of three questions such as gender, age and year of study. Second (please tick) awareness of the student’s understanding of the English language.

The research in concluding five chapters such as: chapter 1 as the introduction, chapter 2 literature review and related research, chapter 3 research methodology, chapter 4 result and Interpretation and chapter 5 conclusion and recommendation. The questionnaire was distributed on May, 2020 to the students who were studying at the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Logistics.

The result of this research was students in the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Logistics have high understanding of using English, such as they could correct answer and understand how to speaking.

As research have been working on this research for three months. However, there might have some mistakes in grammatically. Here, I apologize for those fault and also I hope that this research would be very useful information to students who are interested in similar this topic.

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