Author: Mr. Buasone CHANTALY

Advisor: Mr. Vilayphone PHOUSAVANH

Academic Year: 2019-2020

Publisher: Lao-Top College

Overall, the findings of the questionnaire showed that these students appeared to have a p


This thesis is a part of Higher diploma degree of general English department at the Lao-Top College with the topic: Study on Problems and Difficulties towards Learning English at Buddha Vongsa Palouang Sangha Upper Secondary School. As we know well, almost all of the countries all around the world use English, an international language, as a second language to communicate. And the part of speech is an also important part of English language.

The aim of this study is to find out the how much students have problem and difficulties towards learning English. The research objectives were set as

1. To investigate student’s problems towards learning English. at Maha Buddha Vongsa Palouang Sangha Upper Secondary School.

2. To find out the way to improve their English skill. at Maha Buddha Vongsa Palouang Sangha Upper Secondary School.

This thesis used the questionnaires as a main tool to collect the information and data from the 143 participants at Maha Buddha Vongsa Palouang Sangha Upper Secondary School. The questionnaires have 4 main parts. The first part is demographic data. There contained 3 questions such as gender, age, and class. Secondly, Information about learning English. There were 3 questions. The third part is the problems and difficulties of student in learning English. The fourth part is to get the opinion of students on study the problems and difficulties towards learning English. The result data was analyzed by ‘SPSS’ program in order to get the results in percentage and frequency of each item.

The result of the problems and difficulties of student in learning English. The greatest number of students got an average of 3.33 or agree level which chooses don’t know which level to start learning English. Or 3.27 or agree level which chooses the house is far from the city center. Next, with an average of 3.13 or Neutral agree with the level which chooses don’t have enough money to study English. And English learning tools are not enough. The smallest number of students got an average of 2.95 or Neutral agree level which chooses to Study at many school.

ositive attitude towards learning the English language whereby the results demonstrated that they enjoyed as well as had the interest and desire to excel in their English classes. Environmental support factors such as teacher, parent and peer support also showed favorable responses towards these students learning the English language but students had a low level of self-efficacy and lacked the effort to do well in learning the English language.

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