Author: Phanomphone NANTHAVONG

Advisor: Mr. Chanthaxay CHATOUPHONEXAY

Academic Year: 2019-2020

Publisher: Lao-Top College


This thesis is a part of higher diploma degree of general English department at the Lao-Top College with the topic “The Advantages and the Disadvantages of Learning English on the Internet and Using Applications on Smart phones: a Case study of English Students at Viengsavanh High school”. As we know well there are many countries in around the world use English as international language and grammar is very important part of English language. The objectives of this research are. First to find out student awareness toward the topic. Second to find out how much the students use learning English on the internet and using applications on smart phones properly. Last one to find out how many students can differentiate and know the definition about the topic

Questionnaires as a main tool to collect the information and data from the 76 participants. There are 3 parts in questionnaires. The first part is demographic data. There contained 4 questions such as gender, age, status, and class. The second part is the aims to get an awareness of the title. There were 15 questions. The last part is choosing answers “Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly disagree” about the topic.

The finding of this research, as the collect data was analyzed, we know the factors and reasons that make Viengsavanh high school students can using internet on applications well and also know to improve their English skill.Conclusion, Viengsavanh students have high awareness of “The Advantages and the Disadvantages of Learning English on the Internet and Using Applications on Smart phones” such as knowing of Learning English on the internet and using applications on smart phones, sometimes students understanding teachers, knowing the different between learning English on the internet and using applications on smart phones, learning English on the internet and using applications on smart phones are important for writing and speaking when we want to compare something and something is upper or lower, learning English on the internet and using applications on smart phones can make them study more correctly.

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