Author:Mr. Piter VONGSIPASOM

Advisor:Mr. Pemchay KHOTPANYA.

Academic: Year 2020

Publisher: Lao-Top College


This studying is a part of Higher diploma degree of general English department
at Lao-Top College .the objective of this research is “students Awareness toward using
“Present Simple”: A case study at pakparsak Technical college .The participants of
this study were students years III in the evening department of business at pakparsak
technical college .the questionnaire was main tool to collect the information from the
participants which consisted of 3 parts. The first part was personal information such as
gender, aeg, year of study and department .the second parts was awareness toward using
“Presents Simple” and consisted 21 question general English about present simple
tense which aimed to investigate how their awareness toward using “Present Simple”.
The third parts was writing their opinion about using present simple.
The research used a questionnaire as a research key instrument in order to collect
data from the students. The questionnaires were consisted to be one of the most used
research tools for quantitative data. The result information from 192 sample was
analyzed by “SPSS” program in order to get result in percentage and frequency of each
item. It would like to be show in the table on charter 4.
There were 5 charters on this study research: charter 1, introduction, charter 2,literature
review, charter 3, methodology, charter 4, result and interpretation, and charter
5,conclusion and recommendation.

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