Author:Viengsavanh KEODUANGTA

Advisor:Phanthavilai NOUANEHOUNE

Academic: Year 2020

Publisher: Lao-Top College


This thesis is a part of high diploma degree at Lao-Top College with the topic:
“Students’ Behaviors and A study of using adverbs: a case study at University of Health
Science.” As we know well there are many countries in the whole world use English as
international language and grammar is very important part of English language.

The objectives of this research are:

  1. To find out the students’ behaviors and a study how to use adverbs.
  2. To analyse student errors in using adverbs in sentences correctly.

The Questionnaire was the main tool to collect the information and data. There
are 4 parts in questionnaires. The first part is personal information that consists of 6
questions such as Gender, Age, status et cetera. Second, it is the factor affecting
University of Health Science: Faculty of Medicine behaviors toward using adverb that
consist 5 questions. Third, that is complete the correct sentence that consists of 8
questions. Finally, that is write sentence that consist of 7 questions.

The research includes 5 chapters such as Chapter I Introduction, Chapter II
Literature review, Chapter III Methodology, Chapter IV Result and Chapter V
Conclusion. When I have gotten the data from the questionnaire, I used “IBM SPSS
Statistics Version26” program to analyze the data.

The finding of this research, as the collect data was analyzed; we know the
behavior and a study that make University of Health Science students study adverb and
how many students can use adverb in sentence correctly.

I am a student that has been working on this research for three months.
However, there might have some grammatical mistake. Here, I apologize for those
faults; I hope my research would be useful and resourceful information for the further
studies, also the teachers or learners who have interest in the tittle.

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