Author:Khetthaly SIPHONEXAY

Advisor:Mr Somsak HONGVICHIT

Academic: Year 2020

Publisher: Lao-Top College


This thesis is part of higher diploma degree at Lao-Top College with the topic: “Students’ Awareness towards Tense, A case study of Lao International College. It has three objectives: to find out awareness of Lao International student toward  tense; the difficulties of learning tenses; and to find out the student understandings on using tense.

  The research including five chapters such as chapter 1 was introduction, chapter 2 was literature review, chapter 3 was methodology, chapter 4 was result and chapter 5 was conclusion. The result from studying the thesis, the research got Students’ Awareness towards tenses. The methodology was designed to target population or participants by using Taro YAMANE. Questionnaire was the main tool to collect the information and data, and The SPSS program was using calculate the percentage. 

The finding of this research can conclude that the majority of students understood about tense, but some of them still did not understand and got confused about it. It also told how to improve their tense skills.

 From me, as a researcher have been working and studying on this research for more than three months. I can saw the problem about studying and teaching tense. So, I have some recommendation to teachers and students. Teachers should take cake of teaching and emphasize about tense. Students should take care of study more and more not only tense but also grammar and all of English skills.

 I, as a researcher so proud of this thesis. However, there might have some mistakes in grammatically. Here, I apologize for those fault and also I hope that this research would be very useful information to students who are interested in similar this topic.

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