Author:Mayliya PHOMMALATH

Advisor:Mr. Ian KELLER

Academic: Year 2020

Publisher: Lao-Top College


This thesis is part of the higher diploma degree at Lao-Top College with the topic: “Students’ Awareness towards Using Past Simple: A case study at Sokpaluang Buddhist High School” As we know well there are many countries around the world that use English as international language and speaking is a very important part of the English language.

 The objectives of this research are:

 1. To find out awareness ofSokpaluang Buddhist High School toward past simple.

 2. To question the problem of using past simple.

 3. To Know in advance the difficultly between past simple and present simple.

 A Questionnaire was the main tool to collect the information and data. The questionnaires have 3 parts. The first part was personal information that consists of three questions such as gender, age, and year. Second, it is to “ Test knowledge of students” that consists of 9 questions and finally, that is the “What priority is the past simple?” that consists 7 questions.

 The research including five chapters which are chapter 1 as the introduction, chapter 2 was literature review, chapter 3 as the methodology, chapter 4 shows the result and interpretation chapter 5 states the conclusion, discussions and suggestions. 

The findings of this research, as the collect data was analyzed, we known the factors and reasons that make Sokpaluang students not understand and also know how to improve their structure rules.

 I, as a researcher have been working on this study for four months. However, there msy be some errors contained in this study. Here, I apologize for those fault and also I hope that this research will be very useful information to students who are interested in this topic.

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